Sunday 22 June 2008

It is that simple!

Well, just a random thought that I should share.

To warm you up to the same page, that I’m thinking..

Qn: Purpose of a mobile phone?

Ans: Primarily for phone call, for communication with family, friends etc

Qn: Purpose of a car?

Ans: To transport you and me to our destination

Qn: Purpose of our job?

Ans: To earn a living

So what has it got to do with the title of my entry?

Let me use the mobile phone as an analogy of life, how we live our lives in this world. For those of you young (like me) enough to remember BRICK phone. You would be able to remember the hype when iphone was first launched in USA and will eventually appear in the country you are currently residing. I’m sure the excitement is just as great when the BRICK phone first came up. No doubt the technology is always advancing, and really beyond our imagination. Who would have thought, a simple device initially invented for phone calls has now been advanced for entertainment, photo, video, www, data storage etc for all we know, we can soon use it as a weapon to fire a shot. Well that’s for man’s imagination!

The first point I’d like to draw your attention to is the ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ in our lives. A lot of time we have so many ‘wants’ and forget that the ‘needs’ will suffice. Well, I for one am guilty, admittedly one who has and had many wants, when I can easily be satisfied with the many blessings I have in my life. It is not helped by how the world wants to shape our thought. Do you need an iphone? Do you need wider plasma? Do you need the latest, the best, the next upgrade?

Secondly, I want to point out that everyone of us, though not commodities, has a purpose. The BRICK phone once served its master well and fulfilled its purpose. The iphone will serve its purpose, but no doubt will soon be phased out too! So what is your purpose on earth then? Are you serving your Master well?