Monday 14 July 2008

Lemme tell you about laminin...

Well after a long long long while, I'm finally able to squeeze out a post...

Where are we right now? I guess we're about 3/5s of the way through our thesis. It's been quite a journey indeed! Truthfully speaking we've been hitting a few roadblocks (more like mental blocks) along the way, plus the feeling of going around in circles and ending up in knots - all part of the student package no doubt! I can totally empathize with my students in Poly now... so many distractions to get around, thoughts to work out, data to analyse... I can't imagine what doing a PhD will be like! Joerg reckons it'll just be double the pain that's all. Ahem. Not for now, I think.

Right now we're also out of our old place, as the lease ended on 30 June. At times like these we really thank God for providing gracious friends who have taken us into their home - TH & Su, thanks so much for blessing us!! :) I miss our old place, for its super-convenience and the good times with friends, but where we are now, the fellowship is just as warm, and we still get to walk to Uni. Moving out of our rented apartment we had to fulfil a couple of formalities, like getting the place cleaned up and carpets shampooed. Being students (read: cheap), we decided to do the cleaning ourselves, and got a really economical carpet cleaner to do the shampooing. When the residential manager came in to do the final inspection, it just took all of 15 minutes to give the all-clear! Mind you, managers are normally fussy, but this manager took a look, a couple of swabs, and led us back to the office to finalise our departure. Whew! :) It's funny, how we've just moved on from one stage to the next... it's also a testimony in itself, how things have been progressing smoothly and seeing His provision in the ways that we couldn't foresee. All the time we've been here we've seen how He's been holding us in His hand, keeping it altogether so that in spite of the challenges along the way, we have been so blessed.

Ok so now lemme tell you about laminin... or rather, we'll let Louie Giglio (I always get the giggles when I think about his name) do the talking! If you have 8 minutes 43 seconds to spare, have a look at this video.... and be blessed.

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