Sunday 22 January 2012

Picking up where we left off...

[Lisa writes]

Haha, Joerg's last post was when I was carrying "our little LJ" at 8 weeks! Definitely time to pick up blogging again, now that Gabrielle is 2 years old, and I'm carrying Theodore at 33 weeks... with 39 days to go!

With these life changes, our blog focus is going to be a little different. Gabrielle hit her terrible twos just before she hit two (which is tomorrow), but to be fair, she had been an easy baby so far - with a growing vocabulary that never ceases to amaze us, a cheerful disposition, and so easy to put to bed with a simple routine! Then, when last Christmas rolled around, she decided to throw us a curve ball. Sleep was something to be avoided- night time sleep in particular, when Mama and Daddaa are all tired out or need a little more time to finish up some work, she decided that she should keep us company as well, and that WE should be in bed before she is! Our biggest challenge now, among other things: getting her to go to bed early and to sleep for at least 10 hours. I think this is something other parents in Singapore can empathise with; I find that over here, kids sleep later, while in the States or in Australia, kids go to bed at 8 or 8.30pm! Before this, Gabe was not exactly sleeping early, by 10.30pm after her last milk, and now it's been pushed back to as late as 1am (last night). Sigh.

Anyway, in this blog we hope to share our journey as parents, and also to record life's little (and big) challenges as we stumble along in bringing up our kids to be godly people. I'm inspired by another couple who are our friends and are sharing how their little girl is growing up, with all the joys and challenges as well! We hope this blog will be a blessing and encouragement to other parents too.

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