Saturday 20 October 2007

Happy endings...

Today Joerg and I got the chance to sleep in, after a week of squeezing our brain juices dry trying to write up our lit reviews... our colloquiums are in less than two months' time! Anyway, these two weeks have been challenging as we had been trying to wrap our brains around all the readings and organise the ideas... structural development theory?? Or social cognitive theory?? How to synthesize the findings of different research papers?? Etc etc... That's why we always look forward to the weekend as we put the papers aside and venture into the great outdoors.

This weekend has been quite enjoyable, starting from yesterday (Friday) evening, when we celebrated Teik Hong's birthday over pizza at our place. Teik Hong bought 10 pizzas (in 10 different flavours - that's the DOMINO'S effect!), with drinks, and there were 11 of us in all, so, 1 pizza-pie per person on average. More accurately, I think each person had about 5 slices each. (We initially had a leftover of 1 1/2 pizzas, but at the time of writing this, it's down to 2 slices, as we polished off the rest of it during lunch today with Norman & Vania.) Back to last night: Just when TH thought we were all done with dinner, and was distracted from having spilled the beans from Bill & Shau's beanbag and trying to put them back - no joke, can you imagine?? - we presented him with a huge birthday cake. It was great to see his reaction! At the end of cake and ice cream, we took the party over to Alvin & Vania's office, where the boys played pool, and the girls caught up with trashy mags and played some board game which I don't remember the name of. It was just a night of great fellowship and fun!

Today we spent a nice evening with the kangaroos in Wacol, which is one of the suburbs inland of Brisbane, just 20 minutes by train. I had seen some roos lounging around in the grassy areas between the Darra and Wacol train stations on my journeys out to Ipswich, and told Joerg about it, so over this week Joerg planned for us to make a trip out there to have a look - instead of having to spend $18 per person to visit a wildlife sanctuary, heehee... And we were rewarded! For the price of $2.40 per pax for the whole journey there and back, Joerg, Mei, and myself got to see a small group of kangaroos hanging out and having dinner in a field over at Wacol, just 5 minutes' walk from the train station. It was great! They were reasonably happy to have us observe from about 50 metres away, but would start bounding away if we got too close. All in all, I think we saw 1 big roo and 8 smaller roos around the place. We also saw lots of roo pooh, so thank goodness we had our walking gear. And the mosquito repellent.

To end off the trip, we took the train one station down back to Darra, and headed over to a little Vietnamese eatery nearby; of the three different dishes we ordered, all were sumptuous! We're definitely going back there again. And bringing friends too. Real value for money!

All in all, this weekend was a happy ending to a somewhat stressful week. We had a little situation crop up back in Singapore, but we're trusting God for the outcome... after all that He's seen us through, we believe that He will make it work out in His time. We can already see some signs of a solution; just continuing to pray His will be done. Will share the good news when it comes! :)

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