Sunday 14 October 2007

More than you expect

It’s unusually early to wake up at 6am on a Saturday morning…yet, that was what we did to catch the rising tide, and spent an exciting day at Bribie Island. It was the good old fishing PLUS getting to drive our own (rented) tinnie – a small, simple boat made of aluminium – to some of the fishing spots around this marine-rich island. We did see dolphins making merry, stingrays and fish schools while on the boat. Expecting more than the usual shore fishing trips, I was hoping we’ll have feast for dinner. In the end, we had mixed haul of a tailor, flathead, shovelnose ray, an unidentified fish and a sand crab. We only took home the tailor, which we steamed for dinner… nothing like your own catch for a meal!

Like life, this trip to Bribie was very much like experiencing God’s providence in our lives – we were expecting more, and we did experience more, but not in the way we expected. Lisa and I prayed for good fellowship with these not-so-new-found friends and the friendship’s been growing. No doubt we were caught up wanting more (fishes)- we did get more than we wanted, God provided the warmth and fellowships :) This fellowship started with the frequent daily dinner we had together, it’s the doing life together that’s extra special. Weekends with such activities are always good but weekdays with the books and neverending journals are :( haha!

Church is special today especially with singing "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)" a newer version of Amazing Grace…. Not the William Wilberforce version it’s like back to the child like faith that I felt before, and that the ‘world’ is taking us away.

My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, Amazing grace

Go on and sing out to the Lord!

Amazing love…..

How sweet :)

ps. Pictures courtesy of Mei... thanks Mei!

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