Saturday 29 December 2007

Winds of change

Weather for Brisbane: a few showers, strong gusty NE winds. Max temp 27 degrees celcius. Sunrise 4.43am. Sunset 6.40pm.

This Christmas, according to the bureau of meteorology, has been the coldest that Brisbane has seen in a decade. Normally dry and hot, this season has brought in some clouds, rain periods, and strong winds. But we're not complaining! I'm glad we haven't yet experienced the scorching heat of summer (although there were times in spring when it felt like we had plunged into summer days).

As we head out of 2007 and into an unknown 2008, these strange weather phenomena made me think about the changes that lie ahead, not just in our personal lives, but around the world. I wonder what lies in store for us next year? We have no answer to that, but I know that Joerg and I want to keep growing in our walk with Him, and also to develop this faith-walk with our friends here. These past six months, friendships have grown and deepened; sometimes it seems like the barriers and shyness between us dissolved overnight and we were able to talk about 'the deeper things' in our lives. Those mealtimes together really opened our hearts to one another.

Speaking of meals, what's Christmas without feasting? That describes our past week- big meals almost every night! Mind you, we're not talking about eating in restaurants; it's all been home-prepared, which makes it all the more sweeter. After 2 days of roast beef, turkey, and other festive fare, we tried to detox with steamboat (which is great for the weather we've been having), but ended up indulging in more than we should. However, glad to say we finally finished the food last night, after two rounds of steamboat!

In Brisbane, as with the rest of Oz I think, Christmas break for most workplaces typically runs from 25th December to the 1st of January. We've taken the opportunity to have our own break from our work, and I've been back indulging in my favourite pastime- reading! It's great to wrap my head around a novel again.

3 days more to the new year. The winds of change continue to blow... but One remains unchanging, yesterday, today, and forever. Trust in Him :)

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