Saturday 8 September 2007

Directions in Life

[Joerg writes]

I'm back with my 2nd entry- coz my wife types really fast and has good Queen's english, and she's Bristish you know? Hence already one-up. Tried writing a more philosophical entry, but my love mentioned it's not 'you'! What's a typical Joerg then? Aiyah, wah lah, ok lor, can also, then hor sounds like me? People ever mentioned I'm a warm person (don't laugh!), I think people see me as a serious person if I don't smile- some say 'tau'. Honestly, I'm just happy to be able to enjoy this sabbatical in this relaxing part of Brisbane.

This is my younger niece- WeiXuan

At this time, Bee & Jason are heading back to Sg from their 10-day pilgrimage to Brisbane. Yes, they longed for the places where they once had their 'lomatic' adventures. So good to have them here, just feel uneasy seeing them spend so much on us. aka blessings :)

Back to this study thing that's stressing me. I sometimes ask myself, am I able to handle the job/duty given to me even if I dislike the given task? What if you have to suffer humiliation and even death for a cause that you are called for? The tasks we have maynot be life and death, probably not earth-shattering or as powerful as William Wiberforce (fought for the abolishment of slave trade) etc. We do have a purpose, as Rick Warren will put it a God given purpose. How well are we handling our purpose? Well, I just want to remind myself (& you!), that what Jesus did on the Cross is a good encouragement for us to fulfil our purpose and destiny. I don't see anyone liking death to be his/her fulfilment of purpose in life.

I enjoyed my 2 years plus in Greenridge Sec. School. It's awesome teaching the class from 4T1 in 2006. I always remember telling that they can imagine themselves running a marathon, and they are finishing the race soon (taking GCE N-levels). I mentioned that it's not how well they start the race, it's how well they finish the race. That's a really important life application for all of us.

As for me, I asked God during the church worship last week, to open my eyes to the things He wanted me to learn over the course of my research. I trust that He will empower me to do it, in His time. You too can fulfil the purpose that He has given to you, ask Him, He'll straighten the path for you. Go ahead!

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