Monday 17 September 2007

The Greatest Gift

I once asked my favourite class to write a journal on the greatest gift in their life. Being 15, most of them of prefer the tangible handphones, PSPs, LV bag. Few would have written on the intangible eg mother’s love, as the greatest gift they want. What’s the world teaching our kids and us? What’s the greatest gift you want to receive then? No price for guessing what’s mine- it’s really receiving the eternal gift that’s the greatest for me. Yes, admittedly there are many precious things in our life and we want to take possession of them all. Back home in Singapore, people talked about having the 5Cs (Car, Condo, Cash, Credit card & Country club) I’m not surprised that we have yet another C’s and make up for the new generation.

Well, the point is what are we seeking in life? As I mentioned in my previous entry, we do have a God given purpose in life. So along the way, there are many distractions which disoriented us. It’s so true especially in the midst of the ‘busy’ (Being Under Satan’s Yoke) lifestyle, we lose track of what’s more essential. Now that I have settled in this corner of Brisbane, I do have more time and space to reflect. More time to watch the world go by J So glad that I don’t have to rush through things I usually would. In reality, is it possible to stay calm and do things seamlessly without feeling the stress?

Most importantly, in the midst of our busyness to fulfill our purpose, we may neglect the Author of life who paved the way, the people who encouraged you, and supported you. Well, at times like these, do take a step back, slow down and be thankful. Yes be thankful for what we have, be contented. I believe all of us need this little reminder, stay contented even if you could have wanted ‘more’. God bless you!

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