Thursday 6 September 2007

The rules of freedom

[Lisa writes]

Supposed to be working on a presentation for late September, but it's close to dinner time and I can't concentrate... so let me just tap a few keystrokes as an appetizer.

Joerg and I have noticed one particular difference that stands out between the place we are now, and back home. It's just got me thinking about things. About freedom and legislation, choosing to do what is right vs doing right in order to avoid consequences.

Over here, like I mentioned in the previous post, there is a drought, and we are currently at a level 5 water restriction - 4-minute shower, no washing of cars, compulsory use of water tanks or alternative water sources, no sprinklers on the lawns (we have no lawns, no car, so no problem. Just the 4-minute shower, which I am proud to say, we enforce as much as possible... except when washing my hair, now limited to once in 2 days).

The point is, while there are all these notices and warnings about saving water, whether people actively choose to do so is really up to their own principle. It is not really a fear of fine or punishment, at least I don't think so, because there doesn't seem to be very heavy consequences, except for those who really go way beyond the 150litres per person per day.

Back at home the situation as you know is quite different. "Fine:$150." "Fine: $1000". Break the law, face a fine. Or face the courts. Almost guaranteed. So people choose to do right (or at least avoid breaking the law) because they want to avoid the punishment. No punishment, no crime!

Back to the water-saving thing, the people we know who actually practice it, do so because they believe it is important to save water. Even to their own inconvenience. It becomes a matter of principle, not of fear.

Thinking about choosing to do right in general, this kind of reflects where we are too, doesn't it? I reckon that's why when some of our young friends from home first experience life overseas, they are overwhelmed by the freedom that seems to exist, and may venture into things that they shouldn't. The important principles haven't been ingrained.

Even as Christians we're not immune to this... if the Bible doesn't say we can't do it, then we can, right? We lose the principles to obeying the consequences. If there's no law against it, then I can do it. Tis the way of the world... It's made me think about what principles I have, or are my actions determined entirely by what the consequences will be? Hm.

Ok, anyway I've had dinner now... this has become a post-dinner post. Back to work!

God bless, all!

PS. Here's a quick and dirty recipe for sweet and sour fish, which we just had for dinner, cooked by BB:
- get some crumbed fish fillets. Grill it for some time (under an hour)
- get some sweet chilli sauce.
- get some onions.
- saute the sweet chilli sauce and the onions.
- add some lime juice.*
- pour sauce over fish, do not saute fish with the sauce.
- serve.
*Actually what happened was that BB bought the wrong sauce. So we had to make up for the 'sour' bit.

Have a blast! :)

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