Tuesday 25 September 2007

The ups and downs of living in Brizzy

The city of Brisbane is full of ups and downs. On route to Uni from our home are a number of slopes, some of which would knock the wind out of your sails quite abit. There are quite a number of cyclists who use the path, and you can spot who are the stronger ones as they push their way up 45-degree angled slopes. But oh, what a feeling it must be when free-wheeling down the other side! Pedestrians like us have to watch our backs when we're going down the other side of the slope, otherwise we'll be bowled over like ninepins by an elated freewheeling biker.

Life here has been mostly smooth, though of course trials do present themselves at every opportunity. But as my dear (that's right, that's what 'MD' stands for) has shared, this has been a time of reflection and remembering what our purpose here is. I just came out of a busy two weeks, not knowing how I managed to do all that and deliver a presentation on Saturday... it was strength from ELSEWHERE (hint: see first entry).

The people I meet in school never fail to tell me how 'lucky' I am that I have my husband here with me to study, but I don't think so. I believe I am blessed. We have really managed to spend quality time with each other and also with the One who lives in our hearts. I remember just before I left, I met a friend who had been living n Paris with his wife for a year or so; he gave me a friendly heads-up to be prepared for the challenges that will come from spending time with your other half 24/7.

Joerg and I have our separate postgrad offices in buildings next to each other, and usually we spend the full day there, but will ping each other on g-talk when it's time for lunch. Lunch is usually strictly an hour at our favourite spot - the BEL rooftop cafe - and most of the time Norman joins us as well. It's our 'happy hour' of sorts. We spend so much of our time together, so of course there's been ups and downs, and we don't necessarily agree on every little detail (e.g., "Dear I know that the pizza bread is marked down to $1, but we already have 3 more packs at home..."), but I've been learning about give and take, alot. 1 Corinthians 13 - that famous passage about love... that was the passage we chose for our wedding. I came back to it recently and found a deeper meaning to it. God, I need that kind of love! Let me not kid myself by thinking that I have got it all right.

Ups and downs? For sure there's been challenges- to top it off, the trials are happening simultaneously both here and back at home in Sg. It's a good reminder that we can't be in control of everything, and that we can trust God who sees all, to see us through. That surrender- it does bring peace with it. Because it's true: what can we add by worrying? If you can worry, you can pray. The latter's better. And everytime that miracle you prayed for happens, it just strengthens your faith that much more. We believe in a God of miracles!

It's always at the back of my mind, that our time here is short... last Saturday marked our third month since we stepped into Brisbane, which means we have 9 months left. Don't know what other challenges are headed our way, but with each other and our Heavenly Father to cling to, I know that there will always be a 'freewheeling' time that comes with each trial.

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